After peaceful transition of ruling party from KMT to DPP, people can feel the polarization in society is getting worse. Most often, any dispute can quickly turns into the issue of Taiwanese vs. Chinese. The consequence of this disharmony hampered almost all progress in Taiwan. Taiwan can become strong again only if people can "Re-invent Taiwan" and work hand-in-hand for the prosperous and harmonious society.
就在此時,英國政府卻採取了一種完全不同的做法,他們請了一位著名的數學家,萊特希爾教授(Sir James Lighthill,他有爵士頭銜),對人工智慧做一個徹底的評估,這位教授在三個月內,足不出戶地看了所有重要的相關論文,寫出了一份報告,世人後來稱之為萊特希爾報告。這份報告斬釘截鐵地說人工智慧絕不可能有什麼用途,因為它只能被用來解決簡單的問題。英國政府以後沒有在人工智慧上作大量的投資。事實證明,萊特希爾教授是對的,日本的第五代電腦計畫就是根據人工智慧,不知花了多少錢,最後無疾而終。