Wednesday, January 31, 2007

李登輝的深沉算盤 [好文共想/享]


原載於東森部落格 - 註一:參見「李登輝強調非台獨 大力主張開放中資 還想走訪大陸」





Monday, January 22, 2007


< 好文共享>


何榮幸2007-01-23 08:15 中時


民進黨立委這回竟然用上「機車大鎖加快乾膠」奧步 (: 台語發音),讓國會議長無法進入議場主持議事。這已經不是尊不尊重國會多數的問題,而是執政黨有沒有基本格調的寫照。經此一役,民進黨在二00八之前做為「比爛政黨」的格局幾已蓋棺論定。










Saturday, January 20, 2007


The State of Nation - 本文是以美國為例.

I hope someone in Taiwan can write an article on the state of Taiwan like Mr. David Wallechinsky did on Parade every year. In the followings, I have summarized Mr. Wallechinsky’s article in simple outlines:

United State of American is leading all nations in:

  1. Military: There are 460,000 armed forces stationed abroad in 144 countries. US has most advanced weapons and more deliverable nuclear weapons than anyone else.
  2. Economy: GDP is the highest in the world ($13.3 trillion) and has largest gold reserved (about $158 billion). US have 371 billionaires.
  3. Energy Consumption: Leads all nations in consumption of oil (1/4 of annual supply). Lead in usage of nuclear energy.
  4. Internet Users: 205,327,000 and counting.
  5. Highway Road: 3.98 million miles.
  6. Healthcare Cost: Highest among nations, $5,700 per year. But we are lag in doctors, high in infant deaths (No. 34 in rank of infant surviving).

Other areas that are lagging:

  1. Crime: Highest per capita rate of people in prison. 15th highest in murder rate.
  2. Women in national legislatures: There are 71 countries do better than US.
  3. Voting: The eligible citizen who voted, US is 138th of 172 nations.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Updates on Taiwan has just published updates on Taiwan. The following is the summary of their updates (Update No. 34 - 02/01/07). For more detail information about their survey and observation, please go to their website.

Taiwan : JANUARY 2007 An end of year review

All things considered, Taiwan has weathered the past year rather well and better than many had expected. As has been the case in other parts of Asia, the economy has steamed ahead largely ignoring the shenanigans of the political class. The smart money suggests a similar picture for next year.

Taiwan's export-driven (at least in large part) growth has benefited from the better than expected performance of the US economy (which will come in at around 3.2 percent for 2006) and the continued surge of China. The Chinese economy will likely grow by a further 10.5 percent this year after recording 9.9 percent growth last year.

The ongoing strong demand for Taiwan's manufactures translates to domestic economic growth this year of around 4.1 percent. With the upcoming Chinese Olympics looming ever closer, export demand is expected to remain robust next year and well into 2008.

So far, we have given out the good news. Now for the bad news: It has not been a good year politically for the ruling Democratic Progressive Party nor especially for President Chen Shui-bian whose wife was recently indicted on one count of fraud.

Taiwan's political system remains as rambunctious as ever and for much of the year President Chen Shui-bian and his senior DPP leaders have remained in a veritable state of political siege engendered by internal rifts and factionalism within the party and by allegations of corruption in high places that the opposition forces led by a renascent Kuomintang (KMT) under presidential aspirant and party Chair, Ma Ying-jeou, have been eager to exploit. Fresh attempts to impeach the President have so far come to nothing but have led to paralysis in much of government and especially in the government's legislative programme where the opposition has opposed simply for the sake of opposition without weighing the merits of the case. In that, of course, there is nothing new.

But even here there may be a silver lining to the dark political clouds hanging over Taipei and it may be found in the electorate at large. The results of the Taipei and Kaohsiung mayoral polls held on December 9th, took many by surprise.

A growing electoral maturity?

The DPP hierarchy will be breathing a collective sigh of relief that the mayoral elections maintained the balance of power between the two major parties. The KMT held onto the Taipei mayorship (but with a reduced vote) while the DPP won unexpectedly in Kaohsiung in a cliff-hanger contest that had earlier been deemed impossible to win.

Given the wide expectation that the election outcome would see a further repudiation of DPP politicians by the electorate for their perceived failures and links to corruption scandals, the electorate proved to be unusually forgiving (or, perhaps, more discerning than many had thought).

In Taipei, the DPP pitched former Kaohsiung mayor, former premier and DPP stalwart Frank Hsieh against the KMT candidate Hau Lung-bin (Hau Lung-pin), a former head of Taiwan's environmental protection administration (EPA) who has vowed to develop Taipei into a city that foreigners would find comfortable to live in. Prior to returning to politics to contest the mayoral race, Mr. Hau was secretary-general of Taiwan's Red Cross Society.

Mr. Hsieh is generally regarded to have run a lack-lustre contest and while he was bested by his opponent, he did succeed in cutting significantly the margin of victory as compared to previous contests. He lifted the DPP vote by a full 5 percent as compared to the 2002 result.

He also succeeded in vanquishing a strong "third contender". This was no less than James Soong, popular former Taiwan governor (from the days when Taiwan also had a provincial government as well as a national one-a fiction dismantled by former president Lee Teng-hui). Soong and his People First Party (PFP) secured barely 4 percent of the vote. It was a humiliating defeat and upon hearing the result, Mr. Soong announced his retirement from political life. Without him, his political party will not survive long. His party's legislators-having lost their chief financier-have little option but to return to the KMT fold from whence they came.

The other minor party, the Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU), appears headed the same way. Its candidates performed miserably both in Taipei and in Kaohsiung.

Clearly, the signal from the end of year elections is that voters are becoming tired of the splintered political system and minor parties that appear to be personality-based without a clearly defined platform of coherent issues relevant to the broader electorate. Taiwan appears headed towards a clear two-party political system in future elections.

A parallel message is the eschewing of extremist positions. Both major parties are now converging towards the centre and middle-of-the-road politics. With the demise of the minor (and more extremist parties) they have more freedom to manoeuvre. This has to be good news for the future of Taiwan.

Calmer waters ahead?

The outcome of the December elections, which commanded as much attention as recent national polls-such was their significance-should provide some respite to Taiwan's embattled president. The result demonstrates that allegations of corruption in high places have lost persuasive power with Taiwan's voters.

Mr. Chen has survived three recall motions in the Legislative Yuan (Taiwan's unicameral parliament) and in recent months, close aides as well as family members have been linked to corruption scandals. His wife has been indicted on one charge. Nevertheless, corruption has also hounded the opposition KMT and if mud stuck, it has done so on both sides of the political fence.

But President Chen's relief is only temporary and he remains in a precarious position. Should the corruption charge facing Mr. Chen's wife be proven in court, then the pressures surrounding the president could once again come to the boil forcing his early resignation. Barring this development it is widely expected that he will remain in office to the end of his term in 2008.

Next year (2007), Taiwan will return to the polls for a new legislature and for a new president to take office in 2008. The coming year will therefore again see politics playing a large role in Taiwan's life. The difference, however, is that both major parties appear to have consolidated their core basis of support. The result of coming elections will therefore hinge on the middle-ground swinging voters. Expect both parties to pay special attention to wooing the middle ground. This factor alone will moderate the extremist policy stances taken by both the KMT and the DPP in earlier elections.

Already speculation is rife as to who will be the contenders for the 2008 presidential race. This time it looks likely to be a two-horse race and for the KMT, former Taipei mayor (and current party chair) Ma Ying-jeou appears the favoured candidate. On the part of the DPP, four party leaders appear to be contending the selection process. These include Vice-president Annette Lu (who remains the favoured candidate) together with Premier Su Tseng-chang, party Chair Yu Shyi-kun and former Kaohsiung mayor Frank Hsieh.

It needs to be remembered that in the two previous presidential contests, President Chen Shui-bian emerged the winner with a minority of the vote because the conservative vote was split between rival candidates. This time, in a two-way play-off, the DPP will find the race that much harder to win. At this stage, the smart money would be on Ma Ying-jeou as Taiwan's next president.

And what about the economy?

Most analysts predict not much change in the domestic economy next year although there are signs that Taiwan is becoming a more attractive destination for private equity placements.

Taiwan's GDP growth for 2007 is generally expected to remain within the band between 4.0 and 4.6 percent. The Council for Economic Planning and Development has announced a target (not necessarily of course the same as an "expectation") of 4.6 percent for next year while Goldman Sachs puts their expectation at 4.5 percent. The Chunghwa Institute for Economic Research (CIER) is opting for a more conservative figure of 4.13 percent while the Economist Intelligence Unit predicts 4.2 percent GDP growth.

MasterCard Worldwide caused some furore recently when it announced an expectation that was far removed from other estimates. MasterCard is forecasting that Taiwan's economic growth next year will be only 1.2 percent.

In defending its low forecast MasterCard pointed to weak domestic consumption and slowing growth in Taiwan's two major trading partners-China and the United States. Other observers dispute this pessimistic stance and point out that while consumer demand has weakened in the aftermath of the consumer loan crisis that affected the banking system earlier in the year, the public at large continues to spend.

CIER expects private consumption to increase by 1.5 percent next year while the CPI will increase by 0.72 percent. The unemployment rate for the year is forecast to be 3.92 percent. Generally most observers believe the MasterCard estimate to be unduly pessimistic.

Taiwan continues to benefit from private equity inflows

According to US investment banker, Merrill Lynch "Asia's private equity boom looks like it is a long way from fizzling out". Taiwan is well placed to benefit from the investment drive. Given benchmark interest rates of round 2.2 percent and yields in excess of 4.5 percent, a large number of Taiwanese companies appear to be potential investment targets according to the banker. One indicator of the attractiveness of the island's companies is the offer on November 24 by Washington-based Carlyle to buy out Advanced Semiconductor and Engineering, the world's largest chip tester and packager. If consummated the deal could reach US$5.46 billion making it the largest ever acquisition in Taiwan. Other key acquisition targets include Taiwan's telecom, technology, cement and transport companies.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Prof. Tom Plate on Abian's Metemorphosis


Tom Plate
(UCLA 台灣事務專家,本文由中時的王嘉源譯)2007/01/18




陳水扁指控台灣媒體假造民調,誤導外界對台灣的印象,毒害全國氣氛。他又指稱:「甚至我們的司法單位也被媒體誤導。我們的媒體包含一堆毫無分寸的記者!(reporters without borders)」







隨著彈劾總統的聲浪消褪,陳水扁應會一直做到明年任期正式屆滿為止。這一年北京也將舉辦奧運,等到這場運動盛會落幕,北京便可以認真思考要如何對付這個它口中所謂的「無賴國家」(rogue state)及「分離省分」,而屆時陳水扁早就卸任。


Tuesday, January 16, 2007


According to 天下雜誌, Taiwanese have many important issues to worry about. Here is their report taken from China Times. Let us go through these problems before we jump into the action!!

中央社2007.01.16 [From: 中國時報]


  天下雜誌「二○○七年國情調查」是「天下雜誌調查中心」針對全國年齡在十八歲以上的國民,以分層隨機方式抽樣後進行電話訪問,調查時間自二○○六年十二月 二十七日起至二○○七年一月九日為止。總成功樣本數為一千零七十筆,當信心水準在百分之九十五時,抽樣誤差為正負三個百分點。

 調查顯示,民眾對於有可能代表各黨參選二○○八年總統大選的幾位候選人,除了馬英九、蘇貞昌、謝長廷、王金平等人在領先群外,緊接在後的分別為呂秀蓮的四十九.一分、連戰的四十七.二分與游錫 (方方土)的三十九.九分,大家差距都不大。


  對執政與在野的兩大黨的去年表現,民調顯示民眾都打了很差的分數。在總分十分的情況下,民進黨平均得了三.八分,國民黨平均只比民進黨多不到一分,得了 四.七分。許多中產階級的共同心聲是,台灣的政黨政治是負面競爭。高達百分之五十的民眾認為,當前台灣最大的危機是「政黨惡鬥,為達目的不擇手段」,其次 有百分之四十三點三民眾認為「經濟發展遲緩、貧富差距拉大」是台灣最大危機。


  天下雜誌二○○七年國情調查出爐。從經濟表現來看,有百分之六十三點一的民眾不滿意台灣的經濟表現,並有高達百分之八十六點九的民眾認為台灣貧富差距比以 前更嚴重,創下六年來新高;值得關注的是有百分之四十三點三民眾認為「經濟發展遲緩、貧富差距拉大」是台灣最大危機。

 天下雜誌「二 ○○七年國情調查」是「天下雜誌調查中心」針對全國年齡在十八歲以上的國民,以分層隨機方式抽樣後進行電話訪問,調查時間自二○○六年十二月二十七日起至 ○○七年一月九日為止。總成功樣本數為一千零七十筆,當信心水準在百分之九十五時,抽樣誤差為正負三個百分點。

 這項調查 顯示在兩岸政策上,當問及台灣經濟是否過度依賴中國大陸?抱持正反態度的比例各有四成六左右,比例都相當高。顯示台灣社會對兩岸經貿發展仍存在極大的認知 差距。但矛盾的是,當問及民眾是否要開放兩岸政策,卻是一面倒要放寬。有百分之五十五點五的民眾認為應大幅放寬或政府應完全不要管,百分之二十點三認為維 持現狀即可,只有百分之六點七的人認為應該緊縮。

 值得注意的是,二○○七年國情調查顯示,「台灣社會的撕裂」並不如多數媒體與政治 人物所描繪的:「因為統獨問題,社會對立增加」。分析歷年調查發現,在統獨議題上,過去六年來,希望維持現狀的民眾增加十個百分點以上,從百分之五十二加 為百分之六十三;而支持獨立或統一的人都約在百分之十三,且較六年前降低六個百分點。顯示台灣在統獨議題上,極端的人減少了,而中間的人增加了。



Monday, January 8, 2007

Who are Anti-intellectualism.

最近看到 白麟在自由廣場答辯南方朔對反智主義的定義. 我認為大家先要對知識份子(Intellectuals)有個瞭解. 知識份子並不等於學者. 引用Noam Chomsky (MIT的教授) 的定義: :「知識份子是一個屬於任何人的職業,他代表著獨立思考,有些人或許有機會可以在社會上傳播他的思想。但這並不代表他就比一 位計程車司機更有知識,因為那個計程車司機或許比他更聰明並對問題有更透徹的看法。至於能不能讓自己的意見傳達出去,那是權力的問題。」

所謂反智主義 (Anti-Intellectualism) 是一群知識份子自以為他們是為著人民群眾, 但是他們又自認自己比人民高出一階層. 他們把不合他們自己想法的人稱為 [反智]. 這群新的知識份子多半只會在沒有風險及危機的情況下表現得很英勇, 並高談闊論.

台灣在言論及新聞自由的情況下, 我們天天看到各種言論及推測. 但是可能有更大多數的知識份子, 他們本身有獨特的看法並且感到有需要解決目前社會混亂的迫切, 但是這群人沒有權力能讓一般群眾知道他們的想法及建議, 而自己也淪為台灣社會的 silent majority 的一部份. 可惜的是台灣的公開言論被一群有權但卻是真正反智的人操縱.

Sunday, January 7, 2007


台灣的人權進步了嗎? 請看下面的報導:

人權新聞 大法官獲踐踏人權獎
引自中央社 2006/12/23










