Saturday, January 20, 2007


The State of Nation - 本文是以美國為例.

I hope someone in Taiwan can write an article on the state of Taiwan like Mr. David Wallechinsky did on Parade every year. In the followings, I have summarized Mr. Wallechinsky’s article in simple outlines:

United State of American is leading all nations in:

  1. Military: There are 460,000 armed forces stationed abroad in 144 countries. US has most advanced weapons and more deliverable nuclear weapons than anyone else.
  2. Economy: GDP is the highest in the world ($13.3 trillion) and has largest gold reserved (about $158 billion). US have 371 billionaires.
  3. Energy Consumption: Leads all nations in consumption of oil (1/4 of annual supply). Lead in usage of nuclear energy.
  4. Internet Users: 205,327,000 and counting.
  5. Highway Road: 3.98 million miles.
  6. Healthcare Cost: Highest among nations, $5,700 per year. But we are lag in doctors, high in infant deaths (No. 34 in rank of infant surviving).

Other areas that are lagging:

  1. Crime: Highest per capita rate of people in prison. 15th highest in murder rate.
  2. Women in national legislatures: There are 71 countries do better than US.
  3. Voting: The eligible citizen who voted, US is 138th of 172 nations.

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