Saturday, April 12, 2008

2008 Boao Economic Meeting

(Abridged news from 4/12 CNN report)

Chinese President Hu Jingtao (胡錦濤) said that improving relations between the sides needs efforts from both parties.

"On this occasion, I am happy to exchange opinions on the cross-strait economy with Siew," he said, referring to the 160-kilometer-wide (100-mile-wide) strait between Taiwan and the mainland.

Taiwan’s vice-president-elect Siew (蕭萬長) , who was accompanied by a 12-member Taiwanese delegation, said that closer economic relations between China and Taiwan would facilitate regional peace and improve the lives of ordinary Taiwanese and Chinese.

"Reality proves that cross-strait economic development is the common wish of people on both sides (of the strait)," he said.

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