Friday, September 25, 2009

Hey, isn't this fun?

Former president Chen Shui-Bian (陳水扁)... has decided to use international law and US constitutional law to resolve the legal problems concerning Taiwans status, while at the same time tackling his own legal problems, Lin (林志昇) said. "His intent is to clarify that native Taiwanese people are not Chinese and should not be subject to any legal prosecution by courts of a Chinese government in exile," Lin said. (Taipei Times, 24 Sept 2009, page 3)

Here's a man who, upon being popularly elected to the Republic of China's highest office, swears to uphold the ROC laws and goes "by the book" for eight years as president, and then turns around and says that the whole shebang was illegal all along. Once a lawyer always a lawyer? Was his first running for office and then holding office -- "president" -- all a fraud from the start?

The shame of it, the laughing-stock "v**** effect" (see
the cited article, I have masked the name of the offending term so as to get this mail past your spam filter)! What's next in this dog-and-pony show? How many of those who worked hard and long to establish something more closely resembling a self-respecting democracy than the cruel old order in this country ever expected to see a charade like this?

As when he was riding high as el supremo in office, now when he is not only out of office but out of luck too, he goes hat in hand to the imperial master. I am reminded of the time he sallied forth on that "personal," "nonpolitical", "non
-presidential" trip to New York to receive some bogus human rights award, and at the award banquet he sat next to one of the captains of the merchant-of-death industry, caller of the tunes, dictator of the white house clowns.

Taiwanese of the world unite!
You've nothing to lose but your charlatans!

If you go to Google search and type in “Chen Shui-Bian”, You will see a list such like:

" Scandal, corruption, trial, former president, …", depending on you feel lucky or not ……

Lynn Miles (梅心怡), from Taiwan


Big Eagle said...

是阿扁自己讓台灣人看不起!! (作者: 台灣加油)


Big Eagle said...

Jellyfishtwon 說:

一個整天喊台灣要有尊嚴 台灣要獨立的人

